Spiritual Awakening Tour (4-13 October)
Is not a simple tour — it’s an immersion into the process of self-learning.
«During the tour I will help you become acquainted with the most important person in your life — with you. People, who gathered their effort and addressed their energy to present you the secrets of self-understanding — are my team. Together we will follow the way to the roots of human spiritual personality and approach the answer for «Why am I here?»
Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual awakening is a good solution for those seeking peace of mind and confidence of living their lives meaningfully. We invited the greatest Masters from all over the world, so that they can give unique lessons to the participants of the tour, guiding their consciousness into the right direction. Following these lessons each one of you will be able to reveal his or her spiritual personality, enrich mind and charge vital batteries.
The program of the tour includes visits to different centers of health and body care. The participants will be granted the knowledge of clean eating, adequate physical exercise, mindful body care and learn to love their bodies.

Tour schedule
- 6:00 Rise
Yoga /
pranayama /
cleansing practices -
Vegetarian /
Vegan breakfast - 10:00-12:00 Lecture from our Guru or one of the Masters
- 12:00-14:00 Free time
vegetarian /
vegan lunch
Schedule, part 1
- 15:00-18:00 Free time
Yoga Nidra /
Different types of meditation /
Self-knowledge practices -
Вегетарианский /
Веганский ужин - 21:00 Relaxation
Schedule, part 2
Spiritual Awakening cuisine
Nutritional system of Spiritual Awakening is thought out to the last detail. Our chef worked up vegetarian and vegan food options. Each member will be able to choose the one best meeting his or her requirements.
Why is it so important to choose plant based foods if contributing to spiritual growth? Veggie products — are products, made by Mother Nature in order to nurture all live creatures with energy and strength. They feed our body and mind, without stressing them, unlike slaughter foods.
One more benefit from plant based diet is detoxification of organism. As a result, gradual and balanced weight loss is reached thanks to the diet. What is more, all recipes have been tested and approved by the founder of 1?8 Organization, Nina Kolomiyceva, and many of them are part of her daily diet.
Furthermore, spiritual practices during the tour are based on principles of non-violence and comprehensive love. So eating foods, achieved by violence, is traverse with our philosophy.
In conclusion, its important to note that vegetarian and vegan nutrition are the cleanest. It will help the participants not only detoxify their body and emotions, but also improve their energy vibrations and reach sense of freedom.
Our Masters and Guru
Nina Kolomiyceva
- Founder and Head of 1?8 Organization
- Certified haha-yoga trainer (Yoga Alliance)
- Blogger, traveller, guide to the world of spiritual reality
- Pedagogical education in Language Studies
- Student of the MBA School in Switzerland
- model, actress
After having visited 37 countries, 4 best world clinics, participated in different yoga-tours and practiced yoga in many more than one school, I realize that the Secret of success — is in a complex approach. From that moment on the idea of establishing cultural Organization has been one of the priority targets of my life. With the help of people who share my opinions, I have been able to bring this idea to life. I am happy to introduce you Cultural Organization 1?8, of which the aim is to help youth to go throw the path of self-learning and self-development, enrolling in specific travel programs accompanied by like-minded people.
Rohini Shakti
- The greatest Master and Queen of yoga
- The author of books and education yoga programs
- The President of San-Paulo Yoga Institute
- The author of «Yoga in schools» project in Campos do Jordão
- Spiritual mentor of many famous and influencial people in Brasil, Europe ant the USA
Rohini Shakti has been first introduced yoga at the age of 11 y.o. at the mercy of her family. But Rohini declares she is really happy for her family to have made such a fundamental decision toward Rohini’s future. Since then she has been practising yoga continiously, and all her life now — is yoga.
Rohini paved her path through different kinds of yoga, after the decision to commit herself to this study. She was seeking the truth of the whole life. First, she dedicated more effort to the physical side of yoga practices, which gave her the opportunity to stay young and bursting with energies. But growing self-awareness brought Rohini to understanding that beauty of soul and human spirit is much more important for inner happiness.
In spite of worldwide popularity and demand, Rohini prefers living in the jungle — in ashram-temple, built by herself on request of her spiritual teacher. From the moment of construction on, Krishna Shakti Ashram has been welcoming every seeking soul.
- Psycologist, hypnologist, energetic practitioner, meditative coach
- Master of catarthical and breathing techniques
- Certified specialist of International Yoga Association
- Certified ashtanga-yoga and hatha-yoga trainer (Yoga Alliance)
- Massage therapist
«Yoga was first introduced to me more than 25 years ago, when I was learning massage techniques from people who stood at the Origins of yoga in Russia. I gathered some knowledge about subtle and physical bodies, about catarthical procedures for soul and body, breathing techniques and healthy eating. I guess it was the time when I finally got acquainted with myself. And than there was a great piece of self-study and improving knowledge.
It is already more than 10 years that I have been holding consultations and lessons. During these sessions I use the most effective and advanced tools, as my target is to:
- Teach a person to understand and love his or her body; to help him or her in catarthical procedures, eliminating energetic blocks, preventing healing and rejuvenating of the whole body
- Help a person get rid of intense feelings and thoughts, bring back his or her energy and the capacity to see the goal
«Therapy» is not medication to me, but «integral healing», from «integrity» — when Mind, Psyche and Physical body are in total Harmony.
When body works — mind is calm. Yoga allows to find out the real you, realize your downsides and way to work on them. Yoga elements shape the body and make it simple not to waste energies but to adjust with the world peacefully.
My teachers were A. Siderskiy and V. Boyko. Starting from 2010 I have been practicing Yoga under the supervision of some extraordinary Gurus, who become my Mentors.
The Trinity source of inspiration for me: Yoga, Traveling, Self-learning.»
Madhu Chanda (Maria Parks)
- student and personal assistant of the Queen of yoga of Brazil — Rohini Shakti
- certified hatha-yoga trainer (Yoga Alliance)
- practice and teach yoga from the age of 20 y.o. in Ukraine, Russia, Brazil
- volunteer and member of international Vedalife festival
- 10 years of professional dance sport, regional champion and awarded member of international competitions
- taught dancing for youth (age 14+) and adults
- learnt contemporary choreography in Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts of Mykhailo Poplavskiy
«At the age of 18 I visited Sakhalin island and it was there where I first tried yoga. My cousin was teaching yoga and her lesson inspired me by the manner: calm and mild. From there my path toward yoga teaching kicked off.
After 2 years I met my teacher. The real Master. This is Rohini Shakti — Queen of yoga. After our meeting, I have never doubt that yoga — is my mission. That was how I got into Rohini’s ashram to learn yoga.
After a year I attended a course of teachers in Nepal. Then I visited different workshops and lectures in Moscow. I try not to miss the opportunity to gather new knowledge and learn our body edges, philosophy of yoga and meditation depths.»
Valery Vasilieva
- astrologist, psycologist
- learned astrology from Pavlo Globa in person
- compared other astrological schools experiences, choosing the best method of getting acquainted with the world and personality for myself
- gets Master’s degree in «Psychology of family relations» in Lomonosov Moscow State University
- concerned with such astrological aspects as:
- - personality: conscience and unconsciousness
- - interpersonal relations and compatibility
- - Karmic mission and development path
- - self-realization and career guidance
- - big days data selection
- - business consulting
- - child psychology and astrology
«My introduction with astrology took place in 2010, when I first went to an astrologist as a client. I was so much inspired by knowledge I received and by this study at all, that I enrolled into learning it at once. There were a number of different schools and teachers who finally brought me to my Master, — Pavlo Globa — who shared his knowledge with me. From that day on there has been no day when I didn’t do something of my favorite duty. As far as I am sure, that astrology requires continuous self-development, I am constantly learning, discovering new information from the most unexpected and variable sources all over the world.»
Alexey Zdravovedov
- Vegetarian from the age of 14
- Had been practicing raw food diet for 5 years
- Vegetarian cook with more than 10 years experience
- Chef of a vegetarian restaurant
- Organizator of meetings, lectures, workshops and festivals on food and nutrition
- Owner of raw foods store
- Raw snacks and sweets producer
«My lifestyle as a vegetarian has kicked off when I was still not born. At the beginning of my parents’ dating, one significant article stimulated them to get rid of slaughter foods — I was so lucky to be born in friendly environment. Till the age of 14, under the influence of health workers, my parents rarely gave me seafood and fish. At that time I first realized how much different — from the ethical point of view — is veggie and animals intake, and stepped onto the vegetarian pathway.»
From the age of 21 I started practicing raw food diet. For the following 5 years I have been practicing different systems of eating raw foods, holding workshops, organizing festivals, lectures and meetings. At the same time my cook path head off — my mom cultivated love for truly healthy and beneficial foods, filling body not only with necessary nutritional values, but also with clean energy. Working as a cook I tried myself in different operation modes: in cafes, restaurants, my personal projects, festivals and workshops.
In 2017 I was lucky enough to participate in opening and development process of the first Ayurvedic farmacy in Ukraine. I learned the importance of keeping in mind individual features of a person on practice. I learned that the benefits from received from certain foods depend on body type and it’s overall state, season of the year, time of the day and occupation.
Professionals taught me culinary art, vaishnavas — mindful attitude to the process of cooking and love to a person for whom food is being cooked, shaivites — making food attractive and bursting with flavors. And naturopathic practitioners together with healers — how to make food providing health and strength.»
1?8 Spiritual Awakening is held in one of the most picturesque regions of Italy — in Toscana.
Ecologically clean woods, mountain rivers, fresh air and peaceful atmosphere all around, mild climate — such a favorable environment definitely helps to clear thoughts, collect energies and expand knowledge with sense of inspiration.
Villa hosting the tour is situated far from hustle and bustle of the city, which promotes the capacity to connect with nature.
This place was chosen by a reason. It couples positive energies, strong connection to nature, cultural and climate conditions.
Tour cost
Standard package of Spiritual Awakening Tour
$ 2800$- Avia transportation
- Transfer to the villa
- Accommodation in chalet
- Attendance of all lessons lectures and practices held by our Masters, and all other activities stated in the program of the tour
- Vegetarian or vegan meals created by our Chef
- Face-to-face consultations with invited Guru — the Queen of yoga Rohini Shakti — and our Masters during the tour*
- Individual assistance by our Masters for the period of 3 months after the tour is over: support in peculiar life situations and getting in the way of self-realization**
- * One consultation held by Guru and by each Master
- ** Personal consultations twice a month (or WhatsApp consultations), and online support 5 days a week (if necessary): astrology (Valery Vasilieva), yoga and vedas (Madhu Chanda), meditation (Jannette)
VIP ? package of Spiritual Awakening tour
$ 3200$- Avia transportation
- Transfer to the villa
- Accommodation in chalet
- Attendance of all lessons lectures and practices held by our Masters, and all other activities stated in the program of the tour
- Vegetarian or vegan meals created by our Chef
- Face-to-face consultations with invited Guru — the Queen of yoga Rohini Shakti — and our Masters during the tour*
- Individual assistance by our Masters for the period of 3 months after the tour is over: support in peculiar life situations and getting in the way of self-realization**
- * One consultation held by Guru and by each Master
- ** Personal consultations twice a month (or WhatsApp consultations), and online support 5 days a week (if necessary): astrology (Valery Vasilieva), yoga and vedas (Madhu Chanda), meditation (Jannette)